Login on your Family+Friends domain
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Belangrijke informatie over je abonnement

Het huidige aanbod van Family+Friends zal binnenkort wijzigen. Dit heeft ook gevolgen voor onze huidige klanten. Meer weten? Klik op de knop hieronder.
Lees de nieuwsbrief
Tips for safe use of Family+Friends
bullet Change your password regularly.
bullet Select a password containing at least 6 characters, and use a combination of letters, digits, and other characters. Notice that the password is case sensitive!
bullet Forgot you password? Click here to request a new password.
bullet Never give your password to someone else.
bullet You can give members of your family or household access to your Family+Friends domain by entering them as member of your family in Family+Friends, and giving them access rights to your domain. They will then have their own username and password.